To get started with uploading and publishing your content, it's important to set up your Teacher Profile and add your payment details. To ensure a smooth process, please make sure that your profile meets the requirements outlined below.
To maintain the integrity of our platform, we require that each teacher holds a single publisher profile. Multiple accounts will not be accepted, regardless of content variety.
Publisher Name
Teachers' publisher names ideally include both a first and last name, but we also welcome the use of unique/uncommon artist pseudonyms and aliases aligned with the teacher's brand. For example, davidji. It is easier for users to find your profile if you have a first and last name especially if your first name is quite common.
Profile Photo
Your profile photo must meet specific criteria for quality and composition.
Size, Framing, and Resolution
Make sure you are the central focus, with sufficient space above your head to ensure it looks good both on the app and the website.
- The image must be in high resolution (minimum: 1600 x 1600 pixels - square format).
- The maximum file size should not exceed 20 MB.
- Ensure the photo is well-lit and free from awkward angles.
- Selfies are not accepted.
- Do not use blurry or pixelated images.
Colors and Backgrounds
Keep the picture's natural colors and ensure it has sufficient light.
- Avoid excessive editing or heavy filters.
- Black-and-white images are not accepted.
- Busy backgrounds or plain white/plain black backgrounds should be avoided.
- The photo should not have any text, borders, or any graphics not original to the image.
Elements and Components
We recommend selecting a picture that conveys a sense of warmth and approachability.
- Please use a photo of yourself only, without pets, significant others, children, or other people in the picture.
- The photo must not contain nudity, or be overtly or suggestively sexual.
- It must not convey any form of violence.
Types of Profile Image
All publishers must follow the above requirements. Additionally, consider the following criteria according to the type of your teacher account and the content you will primarily share within the platform.
Meditation Teachers: please, use a high-quality headshot:
Groups or Organizations: logos are allowed. The logo should consist only of an icon and should not include any text unless the logo itself incorporates a stylized font.
Musicians: a full-body photo is allowed if it shows you with your instruments.
Live Yoga Teachers: a full-body photo of yourself in yoga poses is recommended.
Short Bio
Crafting a thoughtful Publisher Bio offers a prime opportunity to introduce yourself to potential listeners and showcase your distinctive expertise. By delving into your background, accreditations, experiences, and teaching methods, you offer valuable insights. Ensure your bio follows the criteria below:
- Written in the third person
- Falls within the 200 to 1500 characters range (approximately 60-80 words)
- Has no external links or promotional content
- Has no emojis
- Is not written in ALL CAPS
Please do not direct users to your website or any other profile outside Insight Timer (e.g., 'Visit my website for more information', 'contact me', or 'please email me to learn more about...'). Adhering to these guidelines will help you create a compelling and informative bio that serves as a tool to connect with potential listeners.
In the "Website" section of your teacher profile, you have the opportunity to share a web link that allows our team and community to explore more about you. This link can direct users to your personal website, social media profiles, a Linktree link, or any other relevant online resource. It's essential to understand that this is the sole location within the app where you can promote an external link.
Please note that for identity verification and safety purposes, we require that you fill out the "Website" section for our team to verify your background as a teacher and confirm your authenticity as a real person or organization. You will also be required to upload relevant certifications and accreditations, related to your lines of expertise (as indicated in the next section).
Credentials and Qualifications
Having pertinent accreditations or qualifications related to your content offerings can facilitate a seamless review process.
To submit this information, visit the Teacher Dashboard and navigate to Publisher Profile > Accreditations. Here, you can include any relevant credentials, certificates, or degrees you hold, which will be accessible to our team during the review process.
To secure the approval of your publisher profile, please ensure you provide a web link (as specified in the preceding section) and/or proof of accreditation. This helps with identity verification and offers more insight into your background as a teacher, contributing to the safety of our community.
What's next?
Our team will be delighted to review your profile once you have uploaded and submitted your first audio track, or applied to Yoga Live Events. If your profile aligns with our guidelines, it will become active, and your track will be published within 5 business days. We're grateful for your contributions and wish you a fantastic journey as a teacher on Insight Timer.
We will be happy to support you at in case of any questions.
And if you want to know more, please have a look at our complete Requirements and Guidelines for Teachers.