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How to Change The Timer Background Image in Insight Timer?

Customizing your meditation experience in Insight Timer is easy. 

Follow these steps to change the background image for your Timer:

  1. Open the Insight Timer app on your device.
  2. Tap the menu icon (☰) in the top-left corner.
  3. Scroll down and select "Settings".
  4. Go to "Features & Preferences.
  5. Under Features, tap on "Timer".
  6. Choose "Background image".

To use a custom photo as your background, you'll need to grant Insight Timer permission to access your device's photos:

  • For iOS devices:
    1. Go to iOS Settings
    2. Navigate to Privacy > Photos
    3. Find and select Insight Timer
    4. Allow photo access

  • For Android devices:
    1. Open Android Settings
    2. Go to Apps > Insight Timer
    3. Tap Permissions
    4. Enable Storage access

Note: The exact steps for Android may vary slightly depending on your device model and Android version).

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