Creating a Group Meditation on Insight Timer is simple. Only Group admins and moderators can create Group Meditations.
Enter the Group for which you are an administrator on either the IOS or Android app:
1. Create a new Group (see Group creation here) and tap on the Meditate tab.
2. Two CTAs will display: Instant & scheduled: These are the two types of Group Meditations that can be created.
See the individual sections below for a further explanation of these.
Instant Group Meditation
This type of Group Meditation can be started at any time only by a Group admin.
Once you've selected Instant in the above step:
1. Tap the ‘instant’ CTA and the creation screen will display.
2. Fill out the Group Meditation name, description and track.
3. Create event.
Scheduled Group Meditation
This type of Group Meditation can be scheduled to start any time and date in the future. The event will start automatically at the set start time. Once you've selected Scheduled in the above step:
1. Tap the Scheduled CTA and the creation screen will display.
2. Fill out the Event Title, Start Time & Track.
3. Create event.
Currently, Group Meditation is only possible through the Insight Timer app.